The story of Girija Tikoo

I am deeply saddened and betrayed by the unpredictable nature of life, where such horrific acts can be perpetrated against other human beings. The story of Girija Tikoo is a painful reminder of the worst crimes that humans can commit. Kashmiri Pandits were targetted heavily in 1990

I cannot bear to think of such a thing happening to our own daughters. we Kashmiri Pandits are haunted by nightmares of the barbaric attrocities perpetuated on us, before forcing out us from the Kashmir.

The Painful Story of Girija Tikoo

Girija Tikoo was a Kashmiri Pandit who was forced to flee her home in Kashmir due to violence and threats to her family’s safety. Like thousands, she found refuge in Jammu after being forced to leave Kashmir in 1990. Raped, killed and cut into pieces after being duped to collect a paycheck is history’s one of the most barbaric event.

Girija was kidnapped from her colleague’s house/ or from the bus as claimed by many reports and subjected to unimaginable horrors. She was sexually assaulted, tortured, and dismembered while still alive. Her captors used a mechanical saw to carry out this barbaric act to cut her into pieces. The movie The Kashmir Files reflects the story of Girija Tikoo

Killing of Girija Tikoo
Kidnapping, murder and killing of Girija Tikoo

Girija Tikoo- Duped to Death

All of this occurred in June 1990. Girja Tikoo was deceived and tricked to death before being raped by zealots working with the local populace. Girja Tikoo, like all other Kashmiri Pandits, left Kashmir with her family in order to protect them from fanatics who were on the rampage to murder Kashmiri Hindus. She left Kashmir and was happily residing in Jammu with her family.  She was duped by a Kashmiri person into believing that things had greatly improved in the area and that she had no reluctance in travelling to collect her salary.  Prior to moving out of Kashmir to make her family safer, Girja was employed as a laboratory assistant in Bandipora.

She had recently turned 20. She travelled from Jammu to Kashmir to work and collect a paycheck, but she became a victim of terrorists’ evil plans. She went to the school to get her salary dues and then went to a Muslim colleague’s house in the neighbourhood because she had not been there in a while.  She was acting according to her heart to look out for the wellbeing of her known acquaintances, as any civilized person would. She was unaware of the already set and carefully thought-out death trap. These attackers abducted her from the home of her coworker/or from the bus as reported in various documents. Nobody in the neighbourhood had the nerve to protest and demand that these terrible die-hards leave her.

These attackers had transported her to an unidentified location where they gang-raped and sodomized her. While she was still alive, she was mechanically sawed in half and subjected to torture. The greatest horrible atrocity against humanity has been forgotten by those whose eyes have been put on a blinker. I have nightmares just thinking about this happening to our daughters.  The whims of life, where people transform into beasts under the pretext of freedom, have left me feeling cheated.

Painful reminder Of Girija Tikoo’ s Murder

I am haunted by the brutality of this act and the countless other innocent victims who have suffered similar fates. They are reminded of how easily humanity can be stripped away and how individuals can transform into savage beasts in the name of twisted ideologies.

Girija Tikoo’s tragic fate had a profound impact on the Kashmiri Pandit community and the people at large. It highlighted the need for recognition and safeguarding of basic human rights, and the importance of creating an environment of peace, harmony, and mutual respect.

Girija Tikoo’s story is a wake-up call for the authorities and society as a whole to take tangible steps towards combating violence and fostering an inclusive society where no individual, regardless of their religion or ethnicity, would ever have to suffer such unimaginable horrors.

Girja Tikoo’s story is not just a mournful tale of an individual lost, but a rallying cry for justice, peace, and human rights. It is a reminder that each one of us bears the responsibility to promote a culture of tolerance, respect, and inclusivity in our communities, ensuring that the darkness that befell Girja Tikoo never grips another innocent life.


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