Wandhama Massacre of Kashmiri Pandits 1998

The Wandhama massacre of Kashmiri Pandits was a horrific terrorist attack that took place on January 25, 1998, in the village of Wandhama in Kashmir.  A group of terrorists entered the village  Wandhama early in the morning and opened fire on the residents who were sleeping in their homes. A total of 23 Kashmiri Pandits, including 9 women and 4 children, were killed in the attack. The terrorists also set several houses on fire before fleeing the scene.

Wandhama Massacre 1998
Killing Of Kashmiri Pandits in Wandhama- Image courtsey Greater Kashmir

What Happened on January 25, 1998

The morning of January 25, 1998, began like any other in the village of Wandhama, Kashmir. However, what followed was a horrific nightmare that unfolded at the hands of radicals, who showed no mercy. As dawn’s first light broke, a group of terrorists from Lashkar-e-Taiba stormed the village. Their mission: to instil terror and erase the lives of innocent Kashmiri Pandits.

As the innocent residents slept peacefully in their homes, a symphony of gunfire erupted, ripping through the stillness and shattering the dreams of 23 Kashmiri Pandits. Men, women, and children alike fell victim to this heinous act, their lives extinguished in a matter of moments. The very air seemed to tremble with the cries of anguish, mingled with the roar of flames as homes were set ablaze, reducing the sanctuaries of generations to mere charred remnants.

Terrorist activity occurred during the night between January 25 and January 26. According to witnesses, a group of twenty-five terrorists dressed in military attire descended upon the village at approximately 10 PM on Sunday. The attackers initially infiltrated the residence of Moti Lal Bhat, a medical aide at a nearby clinic. Subsequently, teams of four terrorists each were dispatched to the residences of other Pandit community members, while the remainder were tasked with encircling the village.

Moti Lal was a well-liked healthcare professional in the region, known for his compassionate treatment of anyone seeking medical assistance. Among his visitors was the family of his niece, Pinki, who had journeyed from Shopian to arrange a potential marriage proposal for one of Moti Lal’s children. Pinki’s spouse, Shadi Lal, had recently been relocated to Ganderbal, where he worked as a wireless operator.


Deceptive Decimation: Tea, Trust, and Tragedy

This was not a senseless act of violence; it was a meticulously orchestrated campaign of terror, a manifestation of a dark and calculated plot. The orchestrators, members of the Lashkar-e-Taiba and Hizbul Mujahideen, a Pakistan-based terrorist organization, had one sinister objective in mind: to erase the Kashmiri Pandits from existence. Their assault was swift and merciless, as they brazenly masqueraded as Indian Army soldiers, exploiting trust to execute their malevolent plan. Though some of the accounts believe that Hizabul Mujahideen was responsible for the attack led by Abdul Hameed Gadda

The terrorists didn’t just wield guns; they wielded deceit. Disguised as Indian Army personnel, they befriended their victims with cups of tea, leading them to believe in a semblance of safety. Yet, the tea was laced with treachery, a precursor to the carnage that would follow. A survivor’s chilling account revealed the cold-blooded efficiency with which these terrorists turned trust into tragedy.

Night of Desolation of Wandhama Massacre

The attack was timed with diabolical precision, coinciding with Shab-e-Qadar, the holiest night of Ramadan. The attack on Wandhama was a deliberate attempt to desecrate this sacred night and to strike fear into the hearts of Kashmiri Pandits to remind Kashmiri Pandits to leave Kashmir or prepare to be killed as a plan under Ralliv, Galliv Ya TChhaliv.


To Ensure sealed Fate : Cordoning area

As the hours unfurled, the terrorists sealed the villagers’ fate. Their radio crackled with sinister confirmation – the town was cordoned off. A malevolent decision was made; the family members would not live to see another day. Escape was futile, as the terrorists encircled their prey, hunting down anyone attempting to flee. The vile culmination saw households picked apart, and lives extinguished with ruthless efficiency.

Legacy of Grief: Seeking Justice Amidst Tears

Abdul Hamid Gada, the mastermind of the Wandhama massacre, was killed by Indian security forces in 2000. He was killed along with Mohd Maqbool Sheikh of Ganderbal and Mohd Abdullah of Tulmulla . He was also called as Bambar Khan, decreating Many Kashmiri Pandit Temples in Kashmir even when when his given to protect the  revered deity of Mata Kheer Bhawani in Ganderbal

Gada’s father, Khaliq Bhat, worked as a watchman at the Kheer Bhawani temple in Tulmulla, Ganderbal. The Kheer Bhawani temple is one of the most sacred shrines for Kashmiri Hindus. Even after Gada joined the militancy, his father continued to work at the temple. Gada’s family had worked at the Tulmulla temple for generations.

Gada’s brother, Fayyaz Bhat, was a police officer with the Jammu and Kashmir Police’s Special Operations Group. Unlike his father and brother, Gada was influenced by the Jamaat-e-Islami and their propaganda. He eventually joined the Hizbul Mujahideen in 1992.

Gada’s actions are a reminder of the deep divisions that exist in Kashmir. He was a Kashmiri Muslim who targeted Kashmiri Hindus, and his actions have only served to further divide the two communities. His legacy is a haunting specter that will continue to haunt the people of Kashmir for many years to come.

Unanswered Questions: The Pursuit of Justice

In a panel discussion, Mukul Sharma of Amnesty International India reflected on the pursuit of justice. Questions linger, etched in the hearts of those who lost loved ones. The world watches as India’s stance on international investigation unfolds, urging accountability for the horrors of the Wandhama massacre.


Why did the Wandhama massacre happen?

The Wandhama massacre in 1998 was a deliberate act of terrorism aimed at targeting the Kashmiri Pandit community. The attack was carried out in order to terrorize the Pandits and force them to leave Kashmir. Before fleeing, the terrorists set fire to Moti Lal’s home and the nearby temple.

What were the consequences of the Wandhama massacre?

The Wandhama massacre had a devastating impact on the Kashmiri Pandit community. The attack led to a mass exodus of Pandits from Kashmir, and many of those who remained were forced to live in constant fear. The massacre also damaged the relationship between the Kashmiri Pandits and the Muslim community, and it continues to be a source of pain and anger for many people.

How did the survivor describe the attack?

 Survivor of the Wandhama massacre recounted that the attackers, posing as Indian Army soldiers, entered their homes and shared tea with them. Once they received a radio signal confirming the village’s complete encirclement, they started shooting the residents. The attackers ensured that anyone trying to escape would be killed.

What were the intelligence reports that were ignored?

A: The intelligence reports that were ignored spoke of the presence of a large number of foreign mercenaries in the Ganderbal, Safapor Mansbal and Hajan areas of north Kashmir. These mercenaries were believed to be members of the Lashkar-e-Taiba and Hizbul Mujahideen militant groups. The reports also warned that these militants were planning to carry out a major attack in the region.

2 thoughts on “Wandhama Massacre of Kashmiri Pandits 1998”

  1. These henious criminal activities having a deep-rooted impact of fear & mistrust amongst the Kashmiri Pandit which forcing them to flee from their roots.
    We need to creat a strong awareness about the available resources to completely stop these incidents for future occurance.
    Let’s Pray For Every Kashmiri Pandit to be willing to go back & live in their Birthplace. (roots), while having total Safty, all opportunities & Prosperity in future onwards.

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