Delhi Heatwave: Is Your AC Really the Climate Change Culprit

The temperature just hit a scorching 50 degrees Celsius, and you’re probably reaching for the AC remote right now. But wait a minute before you crank it up and feel guilty about that cool blast of air. Here’s the thing: while your AC does use energy, is it the villain in the climate change story?

Rather than feeling guilty about using our air conditioner for relief, we need to re-focus on our thinking.  Is your AC unit truly the main contributor to a large carbon footprint? Or are there other parties deflecting blame onto you, making you wrongfully feel responsible, while they make billions of profits, You start feeling guilty for all their sins.

An illustration depicting a polluted industrial area with smokestacks and a group of children living in makeshift shelters nearby, with the Delhi signboard in the background
Impact of Ac on Climate Change

Let’s Discuss!

Here’s the thing: while there’s nothing wrong with wanting to stay cool, the bigger problem lies elsewhere. Big companies and powerful leaders have a much bigger impact on climate change than your AC.

Politicians Who Point Fingers Instead of Taking Action

Politicians are supposed to protect our environment, but many haven’t been doing a great job. Instead of listening to scientists who warn about climate change, they sometimes downplay the issue or even blame regular people for the problem. They say the climate hasn’t changed, we have.
They might suggest things like using less electricity at home, but they avoid talking about the giant corporations that pollute the most. This is a major problem because it blames the wrong people!

Now the question still arises, should we feel guilty that every increased minute we are running an AC ?

The numbers Don’t Lie

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the residential and commercial sectors account for only about 12% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. In contrast, the industrial and transportation sectors, which are dominated by large corporations, account for over 80% of emissions.

So, who are the real culprits then?

Corporations That Pollute the Most

Studies show that a small number of big companies are responsible for most of the world’s climate pollution. These companies, which are often in industries like oil and gas or manufacturing, care more about making money than protecting the planet. They keep polluting because there aren’t always strict rules in place to stop them.

Studies have consistently shown that a small number of large corporations are responsible for the majority of global greenhouse gas emissions. A 2017 report by the Carbon Disclosure Project found that just 100 companies were responsible for 71% of global emissions since 1988.

Now let’s compare your AC to these big polluters

The truth is, your AC has a much smaller impact than these giant companies. While using AC does use some energy, it’s nothing compared to the massive amount of pollution corporations create. These corporations prioritize profit over the environment, and often work behind the scenes to influence politicians. They want you to shoulder the blame for using one extra bulb or an AC, while they continue to pump out harmful emissions with little to no consequence. This tactic is a clever way to distract from the real issue and avoid responsibility

What Celebrities and Politicians do

Celebrities and politicians who could be role models often contribute to the problem themselves. They fly around in private jets, burning massive amounts of fuel for short trips, and live in giant houses that guzzle energy. Their lifestyles, living in extravagant Palaces and even fighting for Sheesh Mahals at the cost of taxpayers’ Money are far removed from the everyday reality of most people. This hypocrisy makes it even more frustrating when they point fingers at regular people for using a little too much AC.

So what is the solution?

Stricter Rules

Governments need to create and enforce stricter laws that:

  • Limit pollution: Set clear limits on how much pollution companies can release into the air and water.
  • Encourage sustainable practices: Offer tax breaks or subsidies to companies that invest in renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and sustainable production methods.
  • Hold companies accountable: Implement fines and penalties for companies that violate environmental regulations.


Companies should be required to be upfront and honest about their environmental impact by:

  • Regular reporting: Mandate companies to publish annual reports detailing their greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, and waste generation. This allows consumers and investors to make informed choices.
  • Standardized reporting formats: Ensure all companies report environmental data in a consistent and easy-to-understand way, allowing for clear comparisons.
  • Support Sustainable Businesses: People and governments can make a difference in their purchasing power:

Choose sustainable brands

Look for companies that prioritize eco-friendly practices and invest in clean technologies.

  • Support local businesses: Buying local produce and goods reduces transportation emissions and strengthens your community.
  • Invest in clean energy: If possible, consider switching to renewable energy providers for your home or business.

Vote for Climate Action

When you cast your vote, you have the power to influence policy

  • Research candidates’ stances: Learn where candidates stand on environmental issues and choose those who prioritize science-based solutions to climate change.
  • Support climate-focused organizations: Get involved with groups that advocate for strong environmental policies.
  • Hold Politicians Accountable: Don’t let your elected officials forget about climate change:

Contact your representatives

Write, call, or email your representatives to express your concerns about climate change and urge them to take action.

  • Attend town halls and meetings: Show up to public events and ask questions about their plans to address climate change.
  • Be a Responsible Celebrity: If you have a platform, use it for good:
  • Promote sustainable living: Use your influence to encourage others to adopt eco-friendly habits in their daily lives.
  • Support environmental causes: Partner with organizations working to address climate change and raise awareness about the issue.
  • Lead by example: Choose a sustainable lifestyle and inspire others to do the same.
By working together and holding those in power accountable, we can create a future where everyone can breathe clean air and enjoy a healthy planet.