Lassa Kaul: A Brave Voice Silenced by Terror in Kashmir

Between 1988 and 1990, Kashmir faced a dark era of terrorism that claimed many innocent lives. Notable figures such as Tika Lal Taploo, Justice Neel Kanth Ganjoo, Satish Tikoo, Sarvanand Kaul Premi and his son, Girija Tikoo, Sarla Bhat, Prana Ganjoo, K.L. Ganjoo, and others were tragically murdered. Lassa Kaul was also a victim of this radicalism, his life cut short, adding to the many shattered dreams caused by terror.

Image of Lassa Kaul
Lassa Kaul: Image coutsey:

Lassa Kaul’s Tragic Death

In the troubled history of Kashmir, Lassa Kaul stands out as a figure of strength and dedication. He was a key figure who opposed the insurgency, using his position and beliefs to make a difference. Kaul worked for both Doordarshan Srinagar and All India Radio during a time when Kashmir was on the brink of chaos. His life was tragically ended by those who feared his influence.

On February 13, 1990, Srinagar suffered a major loss when Lassa Kaul, the Director of Doordarshan Srinagar, was killed by JKLF terrorists. Loved and respected in the community, his murder shocked the city. His daughter, Sanjla Kaul, recalled that on that night, Lassa’s parents were anxiously waiting for him when they heard gunshots. His mother, overwhelmed with grief, collapsed and was deeply affected by her son’s death. Lassa was shot dead outside their home in Bemina, Srinagar, by terrorists from the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF).

A Life of Professional Dedication

Lassa Kaul’s career in broadcasting was driven by a commitment to serving his community. As the Director of Doordarshan Srinagar and having worked for All India Radio, Kaul’s efforts coincided with one of Kashmir’s most challenging periods. Despite the violence and unrest, Kaul remained a beacon of integrity and professionalism. Known for his steadfast adherence to broadcasting ethics and refusal to bow to political pressures, Kaul’s leadership was marked by innovation and dedication to transparency.

Lassa Kaul launched public grievance programs that exposed corruption, showcasing his belief in the media’s power to hold the powerful accountable. These programs, which were crucial in a time of political and social upheaval, made him both respected and targeted. His work demonstrated a commitment to using media for positive change, despite the personal risks involved.

A Community Pillar and Controversy Surrounding His Death

Lassa Kaul was not just a professional but a beloved community member. His daughter described him as warm, charming, and genuinely interested in others. His bravery was evident during a bomb scare at All India Radio, where he prioritised the safety of others by personally inspecting the threat. This act of courage highlighted his dedication to both his personal and professional responsibilities.

The details of Kaul’s assassination are surrounded by controversy. There is a popular belief that some of his colleagues may have been involved, potentially by sharing information about Kaul’s movements with terrorists. Although this theory remains unconfirmed, it adds a layer of complexity to the tragedy and emphasises the need for a thorough investigation. Who else could have provided the exact information Of Lassa Kaul’s movements to the terrorists? As we know the modus operandi of terrorists using sleeper cells to target their selected people.

The Lassa Kaul Award and Its Discontinuation

The government honoured Lassa Kaul by establishing the “Lassa Kaul Award for National Integration,” an annual award given for the best program on All India Radio that promotes national unity. This special award was part of the Akashvani Annual Awards ceremony, which was last held in 2019 under the leadership of Shri Prakash Javadekar, the Union Minister of Information & Broadcasting.

Efforts to discontinue the Lassa Kaul Award began even before 2020. However, during Fayyaz Sheheryar’s tenure as Director General of All India Radio, he firmly opposed any moves to abolish the award. His strong stance ensured that the award continued throughout his time in office. Unfortunately, after Sheheryar retired in December 2019, the Akashvani Annual Award Ceremony was abruptly stopped for reasons that remain unclear.

The abandonment of the Lassa Kaul Award raises troubling questions about the priorities of India’s public broadcasting system. At a time when the nation is grappling with issues of national integration and combating extremism, the decision to discontinue an award that celebrated these very values seems counterproductive and shortsighted.

This decision reflects a broader trend of historical amnesia, where the sacrifices of individuals like Lassa Kaul are conveniently forgotten in the rush to move forward. This forgetting not only dishonours the memory of those who gave their lives for the nation but also deprives younger generations of role models and inspiration.

As we reflect on Lassa Kaul’s legacy thirty-four years after his martyrdom, it is clear that his story remains relevant and inspiring. His commitment to truth, his courage in the face of danger, and his unwavering belief in the power of media to effect positive change are qualities that are sorely needed in today’s world.

FAQs on Lassa Kaul

Q1: Who was Lassa Kaul?

Lassa Kaul was the Director of Doordarshan Srinagar and a prominent figure in the broadcasting community of Kashmir. He worked for both Doordarshan Srinagar and All India Radio during a turbulent period in Kashmir’s history.

Q2: What happened to Lassa Kaul?

Lassa Kaul was assassinated on February 13, 1990, by terrorists from the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF). His murder was part of a wave of violence that swept through Kashmir between 1988 and 1990.

Q3: Why is Lassa Kaul’s death significant?

Lassa Kaul’s death is significant because he was a strong voice against insurgency and used his position in the media to promote truth and integrity. His assassination shocked the community and highlighted the dangers faced by those who opposed terrorism in Kashmir.

Q4: What contributions did Lassa Kaul make to broadcasting?

Lassa Kaul was known for his integrity and professionalism in broadcasting. He introduced public grievance programs that exposed corruption and held the powerful accountable. His dedication to transparency and innovation made him a respected figure in the media.

Q5: What is the controversy surrounding Lassa Kaul’s death?

There is a belief that some of Lassa Kaul’s colleagues may have been involved in his assassination by sharing information about his movements with terrorists. This theory remains unconfirmed but adds a layer of complexity to the tragedy.

Q6: What was the Lassa Kaul Award?

The Lassa Kaul Award for National Integration was established by the government to honour his legacy. It was given annually for the best program on All India Radio that promoted national unity. The award was last given in 2019.

Q7: Why was the Lassa Kaul Award discontinued?

Efforts to discontinue the Lassa Kaul Award began even before 2020. Fayyaz Sheheryar, the then Director General of All India Radio, opposed these moves. However, after his retirement in December 2019, the Akashvani Annual Award Ceremony, which included the Lassa Kaul Award, was stopped for unclear reasons.

Q8: How is Lassa Kaul remembered today?

Lassa Kaul is remembered as a brave and dedicated professional who stood against terrorism and promoted truth through media. His legacy of courage, integrity, and the belief in the media’s power for positive change remains relevant and inspiring.

Q9: How did Lassa Kaul’s family react to his death?

Lassa Kaul’s family was deeply affected by his death. His daughter, Sanjila Kaul, recalled that his parents were anxiously waiting for him when they heard the gunshots that took his life. His mother was overwhelmed with grief and never fully recovered from the shock.

Q10: Why is it important to remember Lassa Kaul’s legacy?

Remembering Lassa Kaul’s legacy is important because it honors his sacrifices and serves as a source of inspiration. His story of courage and dedication to truth is a powerful reminder of the impact that individuals can have in the fight against terror and for the promotion of national unity.